
Yet I am sure that there is a greater anxiety, commonly, to have fashionable, or at least clean and unpatched clothes, than to have a sound conscience.

Henry D. Thoreau, over 160 years ago

Since way too long

we are more concerned with our appearance and what others think about it, than with respectful encounters with the living world around us. If we can buy a new t-shirt for less than 10€ although it was produced at the other end of the world, then we should ask ourselves about what could be fishy with all this...


- or disposable fashion - is fish rotten to the core and probably among the most absurd excesses of a global capitalist economy. Social and ecological exploitation during production, transport, marketing, sale and disposal are well known, but largely disguised and hidden "side effects" of this systemic "abundance".

until now

our motto has always been: There just have to be more alternatives. We vote with our wallets every day, so we all just have to buy less and better, right?

Today, we still see ourselves as an alternative.

the old "buy this and do good" talk has lost its gloss. We believe that your and our political effectiveness is not bound to better, greener, fairer consumption, but that we can find it, above all in political actions. You can of course understand rioots as you like, but maybe this project can inspire you to not only buy yourself a good conscience, but to connect with other people, listen, learn, and be loud together. Because we can be more than consumers! Love <3

who we are

Felix is a mathematician who rolls through life and the city of Hamburg on his skateboard. Elle was once a hotel specialist in a luxury Munich, but is now studying environment, development, and cultural change in Norway. That's a good place to roll around as well!

rioots wouldn't be rioots without our creative and inspiring friends. Check out our amazing collabos here <3

what we do

We browse through flea markets, second hand stores, clothing swaps and vinted.de for used clothes, which we then embellish by hand with different designs through screen or lino print. Sometimes we receive clothing donations, which we are always very happy about! If the clothes have small holes, we repair them or use the fabric for other purposes. We tiedye, embroidery, or print away stains. This is simple upcycling and you can find the outcome in our shop. We try to accompany all this with political texts and designs, as well as mobilizing for events or projects we think are worth mobilizing for.

If you don't find anything in the store, you can customize your own rioots piece by making a wish here...you know, sometimes wishes come true.

...wondering what we're up to when we're not printing on old shirts?

rioots-Team Ediths